Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Automoblog In-Depth: Terrifying Realities of Halloween

The scariest things this Halloween season have nothing in common with the latest creature features on Netflix. While trick-or-treating is certinately enjoyable for children and families, things become far more risky once the porch lights dim, and the real costume parties begin.

“We don’t discourage having get-togethers during Halloween because it’s a fun time not only for children but also for adults,” explained Special First Lieutenant Jim Flegel, Traffic Safety Specialist, Michigan State Police. “What we encourage is designating a sober driver so you don’t get behind the wheel drunk and endanger your life or somebody else’s life.”

Hard Facts

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, 10,479 people are killed in alcohol related crashes every year, equaling 29 deaths daily and one death every 50 minutes. These incidents often spike on holidays; for example, a recent Geotab study found July 4th is the most dangerous day on U.S. roads. That same study also found Labor Day, New Year’s Eve, and Halloween are also risky travel days. However, when compared to other holidays, Halloween is becoming more problematic.

“I have seen that change literally in front of my eyes over the past decade,” explained Doug Scoles, Great Lakes Regional Director, MADD. “We were always concerned about New Year’s Eve, July 4th, St. Patrick’s Day, and even the Super Bowl, but Halloween has become one of the most dangerous times of the year with impaired drivers on the road.”

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data shows fatal crashes involving drunk drivers occur three times more often on Halloween than New Year’s Eve. MADD refers to the aforementioned holidays, like Halloween, as “second-tier holidays” but advises caution anyway.

“They have been coming on strong for the last couple of decades because there is a lot of celebrating around these second-tier holidays now,” Scoles added. “Partying with alcohol on these days is the same core problem we have in virtually all impaired driving cases.”

According to NHTSA, about a quarter of teen car crashes involve underage drinking. 95 percent of the 14 million people who are alcohol dependent began drinking before 21.

Cold Realities

Data from the National Safety Council shows 107 fatalities occurred on October 31st 2016. Further analysis shows 66 were drivers, 17 were occupants, 23 were pedestrians, and one was a cyclist. Sadly, nine of the occupants were 20 or under, and two of the pedestrian fatalities were children between the ages of four and seven. When walking through our neighborhoods with little ones, it’s vital to consider the risk.

“Children are very excited and love going door-to-door getting candy, and they don’t always watch out for cars,” Flegel said. “Always make sure they are visible; have them carry some type of light, or wear some type of bright colored clothing.”

The Michigan State Police recommend parents talk to their children about watching for traffic. Flegel suggests going door-to-door with your children on Halloween to prevent them from inadvertently running into the street. MADD advises parents remain vigilant and understand the chances exist in every neighborhood for a motorist to be operating under the influence. Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows adults drink and drive about 121 million times per year, creating more than 300,000 incidents of drinking and driving daily.

“The last thing we want is a tragedy to happen when it should be a fun time for kids dressing up and getting candy,” Scoles said. “We recommend taking extra precautions to safeguard children and for parents to always be very aware of their surroundings.”

When trick-or-treating with your children, always keep a close eye on them and be aware of your surroundings.

Awareness & Prevention

The real tragedy in the aforementioned statistics is how they represent a person; a person who was loved and cherished by someone else. Each number could just as easily represent a person in our own lives who we care for and love. And it is likely someone reading knows this pain all too well. If you are that person, we cannot imagine the void you must feel.

“It is not like some disease or act of terrorism where you are blindsided with it and have no choice,” Scoles said. “This is something that we can prevent because the decision to get behind the wheel while under the influence is made deliberately.”

In Michigan where I live, the story is a double-sided coin. On one hand, the Michigan State Police have seen a decrease in drunk driving and the department is optimistic that will continue. On the other side, the news is not as good as drugged driving continues to increase.

“We have done a pretty good job of educating the public about not getting behind the wheel when you’re impaired on alcohol,” Flegel said. “Unfortunately, over this last year, drugged driving has seen a drastic increase, so we want to get the word out to not get behind the wheel when you are impaired on other drugs, which can include prescription medication.”

“Our messaging, public awareness, and programs supporting law enforcement play a big part in taking the impaired driver off the road,” Scoles added. “We are in the fight against drunk and drugged driving to save lives and prevent that tragedy from happening.”

According to the National Retail Federation, nearly 180 million Americans will celebrate Halloween this year. Seven out of ten plan to hand out candy.

Tips & Advice

NHTSA provides these tips for drivers and pedestrians to consider on Halloween night. The CDC has published a list of general safety practices for parents and guardians to follow while trick-or-treating. We have tips below from the Michigan State Police, National Safety Council, and MADD. The advice is relevant not only for Halloween night, but overall in our daily lives.

“Nobody wakes up in the morning and says they are going to crash their car today,” Flegel said. “But as a driver, you still have to maintain control of your vehicle at all times.”

Carl Anthony is Managing Editor of Automoblog and resides in Detroit, Michigan. He studies mechanical engineering at Wayne State University, serves on the Board of Directors for the Ally Jolie Baldwin Foundation, and is a loyal Detroit Lions fan.

Safety Tips From The National Safety Council

Enter and exit driveways carefully.

Fasten reflective tape to costumes and candy bags.

Agree on a specific time children should return home.

Teach your children to never enter a stranger’s home or car.

Watch for children walking on roadways, medians, and curbs.

At twilight and later in the evening, watch for children in dark clothing.

Instruct children to travel only in familiar, well-lit areas and stick with their friends.

Safety Tips From Mothers Against Drunk Driving

Designate a sober driver.

Use a taxi or ride share service.

Plan ahead if your night includes alcohol.

Buckle up: This is the best defense against an impaired driver.

MADD Victim Services Hotline: 1-877-MADD-HELP (24 hours / 7 days a week).

Safety Tips From The Michigan State Police

Abide by all traffic laws and posted signs.

Pay attention behind the wheel at all times.

Remove all distractions in the car, including cell phones.

Allow for plenty of time when crossing a street or intersection.

Use sidewalks whenever available and never cross the street mid-block.

Cross streets at a corner, using traffic signals and crosswalks whenever possible.

Always stop at the edge of a parked car, curb, or vehicle before walking out into traffic.

Wear reflective clothing and carry a flashlight when walking at night or during the early morning.

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